Scuba related services
Check out the other Scuba related services we offer! Click on any of these topics to learn more about all Excellent Adventures offers!
Discover Local Diving - Excellent Adventures can provide a single, supervised open water experience to a dive site that you may be unfamiliar with or want a guide to show you around. I can provide this for a number of dive sites, whether shore or boat based.
Scuba Review - If you haven’t been diving within the last year, the industry recommends participating in a Scuba Refresher with your personal Excellent Adventures PADI Professional.
Cylinder Inspection - Scuba Tank Inspection for peace of mind. In the US scuba tanks require visually inspected annually.
Search and Recovery - Excellent Adventures offers a "Search and Recovery" service to help possibly locate that valuable personal belonging of yours.
Safety Diver - Excellent Adventures offers a Safety Diver service to help you in maintaining a safe and enjoyable dive.